Walking the Way

The Dewdrop Sangha is a group of Zen students from more than a dozen states across the U.S. and Canada wholeheartedly practicing the Way.  We come together both in person and online with quarterly retreats and daily practice. Grounded in lineage and guided by the timeless instructions of our ancestors, we vow to carry on the Living Dharma and realize the unity that underlies all things. You are welcome to learn more about us and our practice.

Featured News & Events


Daily Zoom Zazen

Mon & Wed 5-6:15 pm Pacific Time (PST), Tues & Thurs 6:30-7 am PST and Sunday 8-8:45 am PST. Visitors are welcome. Get in touch for protocols and links.

Dharma Talks & Liturgy

A collection of audio dharma talks, articles and Zen liturgy is included under our Teachings section.

Meditation Retreats

We gather regularly in retreats. Our next in-person retreat will be at Marillac Center in Leavenworth KS Mar. 20-23, 2025. Registration will open in January 2025.