Let harmony pervade everywhere.

Coming Together: A Zen Day Retreat June 22

In Zen, a daylong retreat is called a zazenkai, which means “to come together for meditation.”

On Saturday, June 22, we come together at The Journey Space in Glen Echo, MD to realize the serenity of silence, the power of stillness, and the joy of community.

Join teacher Karen Maezen Miller and the Dewdrop Sangha for a day of informal zen practice, including silent meditation, walking meditation, a dharma talk and the opportunity to meet with a teacher. Beginners are encouraged to come, and instructions will be given in sitting on the floor or in a chair.

All your questions will be taken care of.

Wear loose, comfortable and casual clothing suitable for sitting.

Bring a brown bag lunch. Light snacks and beverages will be provided.


Date & Time:
Saturday, June 22, 9am – 3:30 pm

The Journey Space
6110 Oberlin Avenue
Glen Echo, MD 20812


Reservation Sign Up