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What is Samsara?

In Journal by Karen Maezen Miller

What separates self from other? Ignorance from wisdom? Samsara from nirvana? In my world, it’s always me.

So Many Obstacles

In Journal by Karen Maezen Miller

In short, the only obstacle you can ever put your finger on is you.

Bored Out of Your Mind

In Journal by Karen Maezen Miller

If you find one thing boring, you’ll find everything boring, so you’d better learn to look at boredom differently.

The Flavor of Kindness

In Journal by Karen Maezen Miller

There aren’t two versions of kindness: one for people we like and one for people we don’t. The kindness we cultivate through Buddhist practice has to work no matter what or else it isn’t real— and that means being kind even when we’re tempted not to be.

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